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December happenings!


Yes, the rumors are true. Due to various circumstances, (long story) I have moved back to Cincinnati. The original plan was to come home and perform over the holidays, but it looks like I'm staying. It was a great 7 years in Florida, but all good things come to an end, so It's time to open yet another chapter. This decision was spur of the moment, so stay tuned for hopefully many more bookings to come, so stay tuned! As always, you can play my tunes on any digital juke box in the world, as well as all streaming platforms. You can purchase all of my downloads and CDs at UNTIL NEXT TIME!



December schedule!


Dec. 20th--The Buffalo Bar 201 Elm St, Ludlow KY 859-279-3697 8-11pm.

Dec.27th--The Pirates Den, 3670 Werk Rd, Western Hills, Cincinnati Oh. 513-347-3900, 8-11pm.


Saturdays --

Dec. 7th--Big Buls Roadhouse, 2461 Ross-Millvale Rd, Hamilton Oh. 513-844-2857 8pm-midnight.


Dec. 28th--Mac's Pizza, Mainstrasse 604 Main St, Covington KY, 859-431-6227, 8pm-11pm.


Thursday Dec 26th, Open Jam, Belle and Bear, 8512 Marketplace Ln. Montgomery Oh. 6:30-9:30pm


Dec.31st NEW YEAR'S EVE! Par's Place, 6126 Winton Rd, Fairfield Oh. 8pm-midnight


As always, you can play my tunes on any digital in the world, play me on ALL streaming platforms, and download my CDs at Or if you just want to help out a broken down old musician.. venmo@bob-cushing-1. #8703. UNTIL NEXT TIME!


Bob's Social Networking Sites:


Join his Facebook GROUP to get all updates:


Facebook Page:



Join the E-mail List:



You can call in and request my music at the local radio stations as well.. WNKU 89.7 fm..Friday Morning Requests hosted by Elaine Deihl Fridays 9pm-noon, and The Afternoon Music Show hosted by John Patrick weekdays 12 noon-3pm. Call the studio line at 859-572-7897, or e-mail a request at or WAIF 88.3 fm "The Blue Plate Special" hosted by John Grimme Thursdays 10am-noon. And "Classic's Of Country" hosted by Tom Winkler, every Monday 10-am -noon. Studio line 513-749-1444 And the Kindred Sanction Show, hosted by Eddie Mullett Tuesdays 8-10 pm 88.9 fm ClassX Studio line 513-201-8891.


You can also hear my tunes on the following stations:


Anna Maria Island Radio


I-Heart Radio

Jango Radio

Mellow Melodies By request

SomaFM Boot Liquor Show

Indie Radio L.A. By request

WVDR Hey Mama Rock Me, Wednesdays 8-10PM by request

MPMF Radio streaming (right hand menu, bottom)

Legato Radio by request

Drunken Hillbilly by request

Bearcast Radio by request

Dynamic Indie Radio by request

Hound Dog Radio by request

Radio Golden Flash by request

Roots Rock Radio by request

365 Live (Johnny Attitude Radio) by Request

New Artist Radio on Demand

Indie Artist Radio by request

Web Radio Puget Sound by request


Buy my cd's and downloads at and as well as



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