February happenings.
Back to the frozen tundra of Cincinnati for good (for now!). I have lots of good stuff going on in the desolate month of February. Check out the schedule below. Got a VERY cool Delhi Twp double header going Saturday, Feb. 22nd .. 4-5pm at Delhi On Tap, Delhi Event center, along with Ryan Alfred, Meaghan Richardson, and Tyler Moore. My set is from 4-5pm, followed by the after-party at Longshots Bar and Grille (See schedule). Please check my schedule. There are gonna be a lot of new venues, as well as some old favorites! As always, you can play my music on ANY digital juke box in the world, as well as ALL streaming platforms. ( Spotify, Pandora, I-tunes, YouTube music, etc. Until next time!
Saturdays --
Feb. 1st-- Big Buls Roadhouse 2641 Ross Millvale Rd, Hamilton Oh. 513-844-2857 8pm.
Feb 8th -- RT 50 Saloon,251 Main St. Addyston Oh,513-376-1701, 6pm
Feb. 15th--The Crow's Nest Irish Pub, 921-2988, Cincinnati, OH. 513-921-8898, 9pm.
Feb.22nd--"Delhi on Tap" Delhi Event center, 5031 Delhi Pk, Cincinnati/Delhi Twp, 4-5 pm, w/Ryan Alfred, Meaghan Richardson and Tyler Moore.
Sat. -Feb 22nd--Longshots sports bar and Grille, 1278 Ebenezer Rd, Cincinnati Ohio, 513-510-4123 7pm.
Feb. 7th--Audreys Frog town Tavern, 4647 E.Miami River Rd Grandview Ohio,513-873-1122 8pm.
Friday Feb.14th J.T Maleys, 2178 As Anderson Ferry Rd Cincinnati OH. 6-9pm.
New! Wednesday, Feb. 19th - Fretboard Brewing Co. 108, Harrison Ave, Harrison OH, 513-936-1515, 6pm.
Bob's Social Networking Sites:
Join his Facebook GROUP to get all updates: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1653728547978242/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/BobCushingFanPage
YouTube: www.YouTube.com/bcushing
MySpace: myspace.com/bobcushing
Join the E-mail List: ListRocket.com
You can call in and request my music at the local radio stations as well.. WNKU 89.7 fm..Friday Morning Requests hosted by Elaine Deihl Fridays 9pm-noon, and The Afternoon Music Show hosted by John Patrick weekdays 12 noon-3pm. Call the studio line at 859-572-7897, or e-mail a request at radio@wnku.org or www.wnku.org. WAIF 88.3 fm "The Blue Plate Special" hosted by John Grimme Thursdays 10am-noon. And "Classic's Of Country" hosted by Tom Winkler, every Monday 10-am -noon. Studio line 513-749-1444 www.waif883.org. And the Kindred Sanction Show, hosted by Eddie Mullett Tuesdays 8-10 pm 88.9 fm ClassX www.classxradio.com Studio line 513-201-8891.
You can also hear my tunes on the following stations:
Mellow Melodies By request
Indie Radio L.A. By request
WVDR Hey Mama Rock Me, Wednesdays 8-10PM by request
MPMF Radio streaming (right hand menu, bottom)
Legato Radio by request
Drunken Hillbilly by request
Bearcast Radio by request
Dynamic Indie Radio by request
Hound Dog Radio by request
Radio Golden Flash by request
Roots Rock Radio by request
365 Live (Johnny Attitude Radio) by Request
New Artist Radio on Demand
Indie Artist Radio by request
Web Radio Puget Sound by request
Buy my cd's and downloads at www.cdbaby.com/artist/bobcushing and www.cdbaby.com/artist/bobcushingandchrisgoins as well as www.amazon.com.